Posts tagged family
Traveling Diary: Las Cruses, New Mexico to Tucson, Arizona

“Why is it so expensive? Unless you’re coming in to clean our bus and turn down our bedding at night, I’m not paying it.” I know I’m not being gracious and I understand we are lucky enough to have the money to stay at such overpriced parks, but Oh, dear Lord, I don’t understand why anything to do with an RV could cost so much!

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Why Our Family is Traveling the USA in a Converted School Bus for Mental Health Awareness

So many of us have resisted sharing our stories because it has felt like too much—too uncomfortable, too personal, too risky. I know I have. But Tim and I have reached a point in our lives where it’s no longer acceptable for us to sit back; no matter how unsettling it is to leave the familiar, predictable, and reliable, we know we must move

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